Archive for the 'social media' Category

who doesn’t want to jump on the bandwagon?

I just saw this over at Russel Davies’ blog. It is what it says it is. “Online iTunes backup for music aficionados”

It launches tomorrow, Feb 22. Currently if you post their logo they are giving away a free year of full featured service. Sounds interesting, check it out.

dinner of atlantian proportions

wineglasses.jpgLast night I attended my first new media/marketing event and it started off with a bang. We met for dinner at Veni Vidi Vici, in Atlanta, GA which was a great venue. Hosted by Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson of crayon, and well known for their podcast For Immediate Release, the word was spread via their blogs/podcasts. I personally first learned of the event from Shel’s blog. I came down from Knoxville, and it was worth it. Amazingly enough, I was not the only person who traveled a distance to the event. Professor Robert French came down from Auburn with two students, Ashley Imsand and Wes Gossett.

It was a night of greats: great food, great conversation and great wine. Conversation ranged from the impact of social media, to podcasting techniques/practices, and lastly some chatter about conference talk. Both un-conferences such as the one I am attending this weekend SoCon07, or BlogOrlando, Blog Savannah. As well as other conferences such as TED (technology, entertainment and design) [ps. I love the TEDTalks, I get inspiration daily from these great thinkers.] Also the DEMO conference, which I am not as familiar with but hope to be.

I found out about a new startup that provides a turnkey social media platform. ThePort. Sounds like a pretty interesting idea, personally I think it’s value isn’t providing the service, because eventually that will become a commodity, but selling companies on the platform, and the service.

Hicham has an interesting software solution that creates a process out of parts of marketing, so that the software helps faciliate the management of materials and information thus freeing the manager up to think, and engage in creative and strategic planning. Pretty novel.

The attendees:

Ashley Imsand of Auburn University

Wes Gossett of Auburn University

Robert French of Auburn University

Shel Holtz of crayon

Neville Hobson of crayon

Hicham Bouani of GlobalProjex and Bouje Publishing

Jacqui Chew of ThePort

John Patton of ThePort

Neville’s posted a picture here

It was a great meet and great, and I highly recommend your attendance any similar event. Personally I was struck that blogs, forums, etc are mediums of communication. They convey information, or messages, but ultimately people are hoping to connect. In this case we met in person, although it was entirely planned on a blog(s). It will be interesting to see how this plays out in Web 2.0, as people want to take connection to a new level.

Great event!

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