Archive for the 'advertising' Category


BBC WORLD - Occupier/LiberatorBBC WORLD - Occupier/LiberatorBBC WORLD - Occupier/Liberator

I picked up an older Creativy mag off my desk this past weekend and I was flipping through and found the ad above for BBC World. The ad is part of a series run in the United States to pitch BBC World as a news source. I just love these creatives, they are so poignant yet they don’t offend but they do polarize and engage. I’m sure this is why they won a Cannes Lion 2007 Outdoor Gold.

Below is a list of links for the others in the campaign.

Check them out, which is your favorite?





i can feel it

I was checking out the top 5 viral videos of 2007 which I got from a WOMMA email and as I watched them (multiple times in some cases) I realized what makes them viral isn’t that they are funny the first time around. They are viral because they are fun to share

I was sharing the Cadbury’s Gorilla one with my boss and as it was playing – even at the very beginning where it is just focused on the gorilla I was just laughing, because I knew what was going to happen which I just thought was hilarious.  Now you could say maybe I like the video because I’m a drummer and I can emphasize, but my guess is that since it’s the number one video there is something much more universal then that in it’s content.

It reminds me vaguely of watching Zoolander the first time and thinking “I can’t believe people like this movie…it’s so stupid” and as people quoted the movie it grew in it’s hilariousness.

All that said, watch one, share one, and laugh.

Have a good day

no free lunch, or is there?


One of the oddities of where I live is that we have a lot, a lot of American-Mexican places to eat. One of the places I go frequently is Moe’s. One of the features of Moe’s is that when you walk in they yell, “Welcome to Moe’s” and then that call is echoed by other workers around the store and even by some people that are eating. Funny or Freaky depending on your preference. So it’s already a unique experience.

So at my table was a table-topper that says.


“Nothing says Happy Birthday Like a Free Burrito”

Now that’s awesome. What’s there to it? You register online and get a free burrito. [If interested you can do it here] Who doesn’t love a free burrito? Now the adage “there’s no free lunch” applies here, since when I sign up to get my burrito I’m actually paying with the information I supply.

So it’s a promotion that is simple, quirky, and fun to the customer. It uses the voice that customers expect. It epitomizes the Moe’s. And Moe’s get a veritable wealth of information. They get a name, city/state, and where you live in that city, which from which they can determine relative income, etc. and they get your age. Plus a method to contact you, your email. Even better it’s permission based. It’s not spam, you are choosing to give your information, and agree to be contacted. [Now Moe’s could take this info and miss-use it, but let’s hope for my sake, and theirs it doesn’t happen]

In short, it’s simply a great example of a relatively unobtrusive way to create a connection with a customer (and learn a lot about who is buying/visiting your stores).

It may not be completely free, but it will be a nice birthday burrito.

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